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October plants for contemporary garden designs

Using Symphyotrichum ericoides in your garden

This RHS plants for pollinators perennial is a showstopper from late summer to late autumn. Like most asters it has a profusion of beautiful, colourful flowers - a fantastic performer for any garden. Symphotrichum does well in full sun or partial shade and benefits from a slightly more moisture retentive soil; although we include this one in many of our contemporary designs very successfully, especially if helped along with a little mulching. Designers can use this plant to bring a bit of drama to a bed late in the season.

An october flowering aster that is ideal for use in contemporary garden designs

This plant responds well to triennial division when doing border maintenance, although some varieties may require staking. For winter maintenance this plant just requires cutting the stems down once flowering has finished, although one might consider leaving the stems until new growth appears in spring to benefit overwintering insects. It is hardy even in the most severe winter and in good conditions this plant can reach 1m in height and 0.5m spread. When planting make sure to tease the roots properly to avoid the roots circling around the hole rather than spreading out, don’t be afraid to be a bit rough especially if the plant is pot bound, add mulch to the bottom of the hole and water thoroughly after infilling.

All in all a great addition to a garden redesign or replanting.

Copy and photo credit: Lou Singfield


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